Tuesday 13 November 2012


Hari nie aq nak share pasal 1 group yg sedang meningkat naik nie iaitu B.A.P.. Baru2 nie aq ad terbaca 1 blog nie yg menyatakan Himchan x sesuai  jadi visual of the group coz dikatakan yg si Himchan nie x berapa hensem.. Yela nak jadi visual of the group nie kene hensem.. Tp bg aq ok la si Himchan 2.. Die rap pon aq suke dgr suara die macho abez la.. Tapi aq lg minat kat daehyun.. hehe.. Aq suke dgr die nyanyi n cakap loghat Busan.. So 1 voting tlh dijalankan utk melihat sape yg BABY(gelaran bagi fanclub B.A.P) rasa member yg best looking dlm B.A.P..


Bang Yongguk
Leader/Main Rapper

Kim Himchan

Jung Daehyun
Main Vocalist

Yoo Youngjae
Lead Vocalist

Moon Joungup
Main Dancer/Vocalist

Choi Junhong (Zelo)
Lead Rapper/Lead Dancer/Maknae

Hasi undiannya ialah Daehyun telah berjaya mendapat undi yg tertinggi berbanding dgn member2 yg lain.. Vote nie aq copy n paste kt blog 2..

Who do YOU think is the best looking ?

Bang Yong Guk4 vote(s)6.0%
Kim Him Chan16 vote(s)23.9%
Jung Dae Hyun36 vote(s)53.7%
Yoo Young Jae1 vote(s)1.5%
Moon Jong Up6 vote(s)9.0%
Choi Jun Hong4 vote(s)6.0%

So who do YOU think is the best looking?? Bye and tq..

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